
Army Life (Wife)

Gotta love it!
After 25+ years of Army life, I'm finally following Mike wherever the Army takes him! Who could resist? I mean, y'all are footing the bill for my room and board :)
This has been an amazing summer and rather than start at the beginning (my fabulous road trip with the Moroz family) I've decided to start with the "here and now" and go backwards. So...hang on to your passports, it's going to be a long trip!
For those of you who don't know (is there really anyone out there who DOESN'T know?) Mike has been in the Army for a long, long time (all the way back to Viet Nam and Desert Storm). For the past 5 yrs or so, he's travelled around the country teaching CLS (Combat Life Saver) and leadership courses (ANOC, BNOC, knock-knock). This past year he's been to Pennsylvania, Washington, Texas, California and probably a few places I don't remember. Let me start with the beginning of this trip to Ft Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Actually, we shouldn't be sitting here at all! We (anytime I say WE, it usually means Mike but you know how that goes) waited and WAITED for orders to teach this class. When it looked as if they were not coming, we planned a really great trip with Don and Yvonne (my sister and her hubby). We were going through Bryce Canyon, the Grand Canyon, Jerome, Arizona (where my dad was born), Carlsbad Caverns then north to Denver where we would pick up Jaira (Yvonne's daughter). Then on to Montana, Wyoming and home again. We planned on fishing, touring and all manner of "ings" in-between. By noon on the 8th we received official word that no orders would be coming and so our bags were packed and ready to go. By the morning of the 9th (happy anniversary to us, 38 yrs) we would be outta there! On the evening of the 8th the orders appeared! Not only that, when Mike originally requested his orders, he asked to take his POV (personally operated vehicle). We thought we would make it a real slow trip and see a lot of our beautiful country on the way to Pennsylvania. Now, we would have to make the 2300 mile trip in 2 1/2 days! We had to re-do our packing list and now had Army gear instead of fishing gear :(
We drove almost 900 miles the first day and stopped in Lincoln, Nebraska. We stayed at the motel for just 6 hrs of sleep and breakfast before heading out the morning of the 10th. We made all the stops necessary for creature comfort but I know there was so much we missed. We did get to listen to a book on tape and that helped pass the time.
I digress for a moment to tell you that Mike has a really, REALLY bad back because while we were in Washington he did a sit-up and we heard a "snap" and then he said, "Oh, that can't be good"! and it wasn't and he had to go to a chiropractor and then it got a little better and then he picked up Charley(our grandaughter, no offense Charley)and he said, "Uggg" and now he hurts again! (I'm taking a breath now). . .the whole point being, it didn't make for a comfortable drive.
The 10th we made another 800+ miles but didn't get to make many stops. However, we didn't have to go so fast as to miss the beautiful countryside. That night we stayed in a room that, well, how do I put it? It just plain stunk!
We entered Pennsylvania on the 11th and were suddenly struck with the knowledge that we were very close to hallowed ground. It was just seven years ago that the hijacked plane was sent to the ground in the fields of Shanksville, Pennsylvania. We paused with the rest of the nation to observe the moment of silence that morning as we drove within 1/2 hour of the site. We're planning on going to the site on the trip back.
Ft Indiantown Gap is just beautiful and I've enjoyed Mike telling me about the surroundings. This area is filled with so many historical sites and things to do: Hershey Chocolate factory, Gettysburg, Hershey Chocolate factory, Amish country, Hershey Chocolate factory, the Susquehanna River (where Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdry were baptized) and the Hershey Chocolate factory.
There is also a lot going on here, the most interesting being the country's biggest RV show.
For now we are back in a motel room after two nights at a KOA cabin. We'll be here until the 28th so I'm taking the opportunity to read, tour and eat chocolate! More later. . .


sjnagel said...

Where's all the pictures?

vszmom said...

I haven't figured that out yet. I'm just glad you were able to get to the blog! I count myself among the intelligent and yet...