

One of the basic principles in life is the principle of opposition in all things. It's the part of the plan that teaches us how it's possible to have joy because we have known pain. Where am I going with this; this week we experienced pain, last week we experienced joy. With those two events we found "joy in the journey".

Baby Morgan was born last Saturday, August 21, 2010 and weighed a mere 6 lbs 2 oz and measured 18 1/2 inches. She made her entrance at 3:37 in the afternoon to loving parents, Jamie and Rachel (Zollinger) Moroz. I'm writing this for Morgan so she doesn't ever feel lost in the shuffle of Trevor's accident.

Morgan joins the previous 23 grandchildren. Alex, the oldest, has already grown to manhood as he will be 18 yrs old in October. Where has time gone? We have all shapes, sizes and ages. We have blonds, brunettes and a red head. We have blue eyes, brown eyes and hazel eyes. And we love them all. We even had the wonderful privilege of adding one to our family who came to us ready made and became a legal Zollinger several years ago. It was fun to see his excited face when he walked into Lake Ridge Elementary to make the announcement to his grandma, who worked in the office, so she could change his records; Alexander Forbes ZOLLINGER. We've been so very lucky that for the most part they are all healthy. Even the smallest ones who came early have grown to healthy stature. Only one little one did not stay with us for more than a half and hour. Michae Shae Zollinger was born at just 5 1/2 months and she left us; she didn't need to stay longer, she had accomplished all she needed to.

The miracle of life never ceases to amaze me and I will never tire of watching newborns enter this world. The greatest miracle, and the one I want to point out to each of my grandchildren is this. You were born at this time, in this country, in our family because you are one of our Heavenly Father's choicest, most valiant, most prepared for the battle. He saved you to be here right now...this is YOUR time.

Choices are always difficult; remember the law of opposition is in play. However, the choice to trust in Him makes all of those choices easier. I will end this by listing all of you by name and tell you how much we love each of you; your humor, your obnoxiousness, your antics, we love it all and the challenges you bring. So here it goes and I hope I don't forget anyone.

Amy (Zollinger) and Duane Mortensen's Family
Alexander Duane
Gabriel Michael
Samuel Alton
Andrew Bryant
Danielle Yvonne
Josephine Elizabeth

Michael Zollinger's Family
Micha Shae
Taylor Jo Gibbons

Sara (Zollinger) and Matt Nagel
Miles Thomas
Owen Michael
Harper Eugene
Henry Stanton

Scott and Lisa Zollinger's Family
Alexander Forbes Zollinger
Cassadee Janae
Kari Rochelle

Alicia Zollinger's Family
Trevor Willard
Kyle Scott
Charley Marie Pustyak

Rachel (Zollinger) and Jamie Moroz Family
Luke Manning Zollinger Moroz

Kent- still waiting, get a move on

Jana (Zollinger) and Christopher Escobar's Family
Alivia Victoria Zollinger
Sophia Ann Zollinger
Isaac Enrique

And there you have it! Welcome baby Morgan, I know you'll add to the excitement; can't wait to see who you become!

1 comment:

Chas Hathaway said...

You guys will be such great missionaries. We miss you guys! God Bless You!!!
