
For Trevor

Wednesday, 1 September 2010- This first part of today's journal is all about me! You know my hip has been causing me lots of grief over the past several months and I've made lots of visits to the chiropractor and then the orthopedic doctor. I've been pushed, pulled and twisted like a pretzel. I've had a procedure done on the hip that was so painful that I'd rather have had a baby. THAT is not an exaggeration! Lying on a rock hard table on your back is not the best position for someone with a bad hip. Add to that the dye they inject to the joint and the pressure it causes, a painful pressure I might add; let's just say an arthrogram is now on my list of "you'll have to knock me out first" procedures. At least it allowed us to see that the hip, while hip dysplasia isn't a good thing, was not injured but the joint was really inflamed; don't know why. I was given a pain shot which allowed me to function pretty much pain free for several weeks. The good new; I was able to walk on the treadmill. The bad news; just because you don't have pain, you shouldn't work like everything is normal and overdo. Apparently, I overdid it and I'm paying for it now. I've been in a lot of pain for the last few weeks and it's taken its toll i.e sleepless nights, not as much fun camping because I couldn't do all the fun camping things, worrying about what it would mean to our mission.

Today I went back in to the hospital for another shot to the hip. Before I went in I took some meds to help with the pain. I told the doctor who sent me in for the shot, "Make me happy, I want drugs!" Well, I got drugs; vallium to make me calm and hydrocodone to relieve the pain. While the vallium did space me out a little, the hydrocode made me nauseated and I spent the rest of the day just really sick. The pain shot to the hip; just as painful as the first procedure! They told me the relief could last up to three months. Now I've learned from the first time not to overdo, but at the same time I will have it in the back of head, pain from walking or pain from shot? So visiting you today was miserable for me but how could I not?

Grandpa and I went to the hospital around 5pm because your surgery was scheduled for 6pm. Upon arrival we found out that the time was changed to 7:30pm. They prepped you for surgery and I won't tell you much of what they did. Suffice it to say that in order to have a clean lower system they assisted you by giving you a solution placed by tube where "the sun don't shine!" And we got a chuckle as Kyle asked, "Is that the stuff in the bag what they're putting in or the stuff they got out?" I just learned another use for molasses! Yes, I said molasses! Finally, they wheeled you out with your entourage in tow and we parted company after saying our goodbyes and good lucks. We got a call from the surgical nurse that they had to reinsert the NJ and surgery didn't start until 8:30pm. We groaned because if it was to take 2-4 hours then it was really going to be a long night. Your mom fell asleep folded in half with her head in her lap (I have no idea how she did THAT)! I tried to rid myself of my ever present nausea by laying in the fold out chair bed. After awhile your mom, Grandpa, Kyle and Amy (who'd come to sit with us), left me alone in the room. A doctor came into the room at 9:30pm and I thought he was there to give us a report. It was the surgeon and he came to tell us the operation was done! WOW!

So here's what they did. First let me backtrack and tell you that you neck had been earlier cleared of injury and if you wanted to you could take off the neck brace. You didn't want to; more comfortable for your jaw to keep it on. Anyway, they put in two small stainless steel plates, one on each side of the break. They put rubber bands on your existing braces to keep it all in place so that meant no wiring your jaw together. As far as the NJ tube, we're a little confused who told us they had to replace it because that wasn't the case. You were in a lot of pain but after they got you settled they would give you more meds. We left you in good hands and even your mom was comfortable about leaving you to go home to a real bed to get some much needed sleep. She did, however, ask your grandpa to stay with you. He was a much willing volunteer! Grandpa would move the heavens for any of his family who needed him so it wasn't much of a sacrifice; he loves you so!

When I got home, I found it difficult to shake the nausea. I think I'll opt out of using the hydrocode from here on out and put up with the remainder of the pain from the injection. It should all be good by tomorrow.

Thursday, 2 September- I was up by 7am and tried to write the above entry but it became clear that I was still suffering from a car sick type nausea so I left it undone and went back to bed. I just woke up (10:30am) and feel a little better but will now leave my part of the story to share some really good news.

I called Grandpa and he says you woke up at 2:30am and played video games and watched t.v. He says later in the morning you wanted to get up and go for a wheelchair ride but they couldn't find a wheelchair. The best news is they removed the feeding tube (NJ) and you sipped your first liquid from a straw; Gatorade. Next they'll try some clear soup. You've been taken off some of the other monitors so you're a little freer to move around. They are trying to get you home by this afternoon and into the care of your family. So I'll put this writing aside and try to make ready for your return and the lines of friends and well wishers that will be here. And I'm sure you'll do your best with those puppy dog eyes to put on a show for the girls!

I don't know if you really understand why you sit here this day. I'll do my best to remind you. You received two Priesthood blessings; one shortly after you got into your room and one the day before the surgery. Both times the blessing stated that a) you would heal quickly and fully and b) that your caregivers would be prompted to know what to do. Is there any doubt that those two things have, indeed, come to pass? I say, "NO! There is no doubt! To the very core of my being, without reservation, I say to you now. I know you are here, alive, because of the power in the hands of the men who gave that blessing. Here is another thing I want you to know. We pray for our family everyday that each of you will hold fast to the things you've been taught, that you will remember who you are and why you are all so special. Trevor, I would leave you with the reminder that your talents, your quality to make those around you (well, maybe mostly your friends and not so much your family) feel special. You were blessed to be especially smart. Every one of those gifts come from a loving and ever present Father in Heaven. He has, perhaps, used this knock on the head to remind you of your duties. You need to fulfill your promises (covenants) to Him to take full advantage of all the blessings He has in store for you. Don't waste anymore time harboring feelings of anger towards those who you feel have let you down. Relish in the joy of those around you who fill your life with their love. More than that, begin anew to rebuild a loving relationship with your mom, brother and sister. Dedicate yourself to being the kind of family you always say you want. Do your part to make it happen. I would encourage you to go morning and night and give thanks for all that you have and use this experience to refocus on that which is important; getting back home to Him. I'm looking forward to seeing where each of us will go from here. On Monday Grandpa and I leave for the mission home. I know we'll leave you in good hands. How do I know? I've prayed it so! I love you...INFINITY!

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