
Wii Fit?

No, Wii isn't, but Wii's funny! I've been laughing hysterically since Wii bought the very thing Wii've been avoiding. Have you guessed yet? Yes, Wii've entered the world of Wii.
I wanted it because, quite frankly, Mike and I enjoy the bowling and golf, even if we did use the kids as an excuse. That's not what finally sparked our interest in the purchase. It was the Wii Fit program that Wii had heard so much about. And it's been worth every penny!
This is a quite a nifty little gadget with the capability of diagnosing your BMI, your balance and working your behind off! It calculates the time you spend on the workout and keeps track of your progress. That, however, is not why I'm having so much fun with it; it's watching people of all ages and size do...the hula hoop! I've watched Sara and her family do it. I've watched our army friends do it. It is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. But don't take my word for it...see for yourselves. I'll have to split up the videos but I promise, it's worth it! Enjoy!
Much love, VZ

1 comment:

Chas Hathaway said...

That's awesome! I watched a video of my cousin (my age) doing it. I couldn't help thinking it would be so funny I don't know if I could stay up from laughing so hard!

- Chas