
Junk and More Junk

Getting ready for Texas has really been a challenge. How do you get rid of 38 married years of stuff? It's not like I'm a pack rat the way my mom was. I remember when we were cleaning out the family home after she died, there were actually pieces of yarn all knotted together. I think she liked the color and wanted to match it to something. She also had a lot of knickknacks from her days as an elementary school teacher. We don't know that they even meant anything to her, but there they were. We suspect that even she didn't know what was in the cupboards. I have a pact with some of my closest friends; when I die, they are to hurry over and burn the house down!
Anyway, as we went through things that I've had tucked away, I was reminded of the feelings we had when we went to Nauvoo on our way home from Pennsylvania. There wasn't a lot of choice about what they would take across the plains; food, shelter and warm clothes were top priority. I thought about being told that they could only take 17 lbs by handcart. At that point my choice became more simple. Get rid of the stuff that will make my kids life more difficult should they have to deal with it. I thought to myself after we were finished with my moms house; you don't get to hitch a U-Haul to your casket! I think I'm ready to really unload a lot of my earthly trappings. Now if I could get my kids to stop fighting over my stuff. "You take it" "No, YOU take it!"

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