I remember, with fondness, the day you were born. Your grandparents, all four of them, were there. Your great-grandparents were there. Only a handful of our grandchildren can make that claim. Grandpa Morales died in 1996 and Grandma Alice in 1999. Needless to say, we were all beaming upon your entrance into our family.
Oh, how the years have flown by and we've watched as you've gone from boy to young man with style and pazazz. Do you know how blessed you've been? How many can claim trips to Australia, Costa Rica or a drive across the country to see such sites as Nauvoo, Yellowstone and Mount Rushmore? Not many! You have your parents to thank for so much of that; their sacrifices were great.
You have a gift for making people feel special. That's why you have so many friends. You also have a wonderful talent for performing. I wish to let you know that you can thank me for that!'ve graduated and entered the world of "adult" living. That's the longest stage of life just before "senior" living. Are you ready to live in an adult world? The joys are many but as with all things in this life, where much is given, much is expected.
Before we came to this life, we made promises that we would do all we could to return to our Father. We knew it would be a tough road. We knew we would be challenged every minute of everyday to make choices between "good, better or best". The question now is, have you paid attention to the lessons you were taught these past eighteen years? Are you ready to hold fast to those principles which bring true happiness?
Here is what you have going for you:
1) You were born to goodly parents! You notice I didn't say "perfect" parents because we still get to make our own choices. We do the best we can with our limited knowledge of how to raise children. After all, you don't come with instruction manuals! YOU, won the lottery, Alex. Your mother is a "one-in-a-million" mom. She has sacrificed countless hours to help you have such wonderful opportunities to learn and to grow; to see our big wide world. She's patient, kind and thoughtful. Have you ever noticed how much joy she brings to others through her service? She asks nothing in return.
2)You came to this earth with wonderful talents and you've used them to enrich the lives of others. You are funny, you can sing (again, you can thank me for that), you are smart! The question is, do YOU remember where those talents came from? You were given your talents by Father so you could bless the lives of others in the Gospel. Your talent is necessary to reach certain people at a point in their lives where they are looking for true happiness. How many lives do you have the potential to change because they came into contact with Alex Mortensen?
3) All through your life you've been given the tools you will need for success. You've been taught how to read the scriptures and how to pray. Were you listening? Were you paying attention to how much better things go when you do those two things?
So now, you're leaving the safe surrounding of a home filled with people who love you and entering a world where you will have, for the most part, charge of what you put into your life. Will you fill it with good things or worthless things, things that bring temporary happiness or eternal joy? That's the beauty of being an adult, it's now yours to choose.
Choose wisely, Alex, but if you make mistakes, learn from them and go on. THAT is the beauty of the Atonement of Jesus Christ! No mistake is too big or too bad to recover from. However, use the power wisely. Don't go into anything thinking, "Oh well, I'll do this or that because I can always repent tomorrow!" It's the adversary's biggest weapon and he will use it when you least expect it. As I've heard your mom say often, "Make good choices!" I echo that!
As you more seriously enter the dating world, I encourage you to treat ALL young ladies with the reverence you will treat the mother of your children. They are, each and every one, eternal daughters of God. Never take that which does not belong to you or let them give that which you have no rights to. The cost of things cheaply given or too loosely spoken is too high!
We love you more than words can describe. There is always and forever only one "first" grandchild. We are pleased with the young man you've become and can't wait to see where you are in the future.
I offer one last bit of counsel. Our mission has been such a blessing in our lives. I would not want you to feel like you are getting pushed to go on one. I can only testify that there is so much joy in being an instrument in the Lord's hands and helping people change their lives. YOU would be such a great missionary! Keep the dream alive...
Much love,
Sister Zollinger
(Grandma Vicki)