
Kari Rochelle Zollinger

OK! After many "nagging" phonecalls about not having seen any pictures yet, here is the first of our latest granddaughter. Born 7 wks early at a whopping 3 lbs 13 oz and measuring a lengthy 17 in. Ta..da..let me introduce you to Kari Rochelle Zollinger, daughter of Scott and Lisa Zollinger. She joined her siblings Alex and Cassie on the 12 February 2009. And tiny she is! She's been in the NICU at St. Mark's hospital for the last two weeks. Her weight gain was steady enough that she was released today at 4 lbs 7 oz. She did so well after she was born that she never needed oxygen. She was jaundiced for a bit but a day or so under the lights seemed to take care of that. I was able to fly in from Dallas to spend some time up at the hospital and visit the family for a couple of weeks but honestly, I miss Mike and can't wait to get back to him. Sorry kids!

As for the Army, we're really lovin' Texas. The people are really friendly; well why shouldn't they be? A great number of them (in our ward) are from Utah! When be make the move from the hotel to the apartment we'll actually be in a completely different stake. I'm a little sad about that but I've never been in a ward that wasn't my favorite. After weeks of waiting for Mike's MOB orders, we finally got them yesterday. We'll make the move to the Arioso apartments in Grand Prairie on 6 Mar. So now it's safe to say, "Y'all, come on down for a visit".

Much love, Vicki

P.S. Don't assume that the "nagging" means you...I've had many calls :)